■ ADJUSTABLE SMAS FACELIFT WITH FAT GRAFT Korean Academic Association of Lipoplastic Surgery and Adipose-derived Stem Cell. SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2024.5.8 Link>>
■ HISTORY OF THE CONCEPT OF SMAS Korean Academic Association of Lipoplastic Surgery and Adipose-derived Stem Cell. SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2024.5.8
■使用超精密超声波进行面部分析 5th Korean Facial Nerve Society Seoul National University 2023.12.2
■ 眼睑下垂分类的偏误,以及使用CFS进行手术5年的结果 Korean Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas 2023.11.10~13 Link>>
■ 填充剂注射后进行面部提拉时要考虑的事项, 及皮肤促进剂副作用的案例 The Botulinum Toxin-Filler-Thread Academic Association KSPRS SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2023.7.21 Link >> Link >>PDF
■ 2023 年解剖学研讨会 AREA88 Cadver Workshop Main Dissector & Chairman Catholic Biomedical Skills Center 2023.8.12~13
■ 面部提升术的基础 3rd AREA88 Symposium in Seoul Main Speaker & Chairman Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas 2023.4.29~30 Link>> NECK LIFT
■ DR. Timothy J. Marten 的 HIGH SMAS 面部提升术 Korean Academic Association of Lipoplastic Surgery and Adipose-derived Stem Cell Moderator 2022.12.17 Link>>
■ HA填充剂和填充剂溶解注射的并发症,以及超精密超声波的检查结果 Korean Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas 2022.11.13 Link>>
■ 进行面部提升手术时要考虑的面部脂肪划分 Korean Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas 2022.11.13 Link>>
■ 针对额头和眼部周围熟练的手术技术 2nd AREA88 Symposium in Seoul Main Speaker & Chairman 2022.10.23
■ 内窥镜额头整形手术 1st AREA88 Symposium in Seoul Main Speaker & Chairman 2022.05.01,2022.05.08
■ 多种提升线的临床应用 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation 4th Symposium THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2018.9.9 Link>>
■ 面部提升手术中安全的SMAS脱皮术 HO-YOUNG NAM Regional Society of The Korean Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon 24th Congress 2018.5.25
■ 针对年轻人的内窥镜额头手术的适应症 The 17th Scientific Meeting of Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2018.5.13
■ 内窥镜额头整形手术 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation, Cadaver workshop The Korean Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2018.4.28
■ 对面部和颈部的理解 KSAPS-KAPS-ISAPS Joint Meeting Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 36th Congress Coex, Seoul 2018.4.8
■ 眼睑高度下垂修复 KSAPS-KAPS-ISAPS Joint Meeting Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 36th Congress Coex, Seoul 2018.4.7
■ 面部提升术必须了解的解剖学 288th KANG NAM conference KSPRS KANGNAM SEVERANCE Hospital, Seoul 2017.11.25
■ 眼部解剖学 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation, Cadaver Workshop The Korean Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon. SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2017.4.29
■ 面部提升术成功必看论文 The 16th Scientific Meeting of Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2017.10.15
■ 除皱整形手术时临床摄影指南 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation 3th Symposium KSPRS. SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2017.9.17
■ 预防面部除皱手术中出现的并发症 “血肿” Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 35th Congress Coex, Seoul 2017.4.2
■ 面部提升手术最新知识 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation Seminars KSPRS SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2017.03.07
■ 老年人的眼睑下垂矫正术 Seminar KOREA Univ. Plastic Surgery GURO HOSPITAL. Seoul. 2016.10.10
■ 针对亚洲人眼部手术的考察 Facelift Symposium Lecture TSAPS Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Center, Taipei City. 2016.07.09
■ 对SMAS的理解 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation Seminars KSPRS SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2016.07.05
■ 外眼角整形术 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation 2nd Symposium THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2016.6.11~12
■ 泪沟和眶周韧带 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation 2nd Symposium THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2016.6.11
■ 眼睑下垂术修复手术 Monthly Seminars in of the Plastic Surgery. KOREA Univ. GURO HOSPITAL. Seoul 2016.5.25
■ 眼睑下垂手术的困难案例 The Korean academic association of OculoPlastic Surgery KSPRS. SOONCHUNHYANG HOSPITAL. Seoul 2016.5.18
■ 面部固定韧带和神经的最新解剖学 Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 34th Congress Coex, Seoul 2016.3.13
■ 面部除皱手术中下面部的神经和韧带 Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 34th Congress Coex, Seoul Moderator 2016.3.13
■ 眼睑下垂手术中对CFS弹性进行预先调查 Korean Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 73rd Congress K Hotel. Seoul 2015.11.15 Link>>
■ 纯脂肪采集和移植的最新知识 Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics Scientific Research and Academic department. 2015.10.17
■ 外眼角整形术的要点 KANG NAM conference KSPRS, YONSEI Univ. KANGNAM SEVERANCE HOSPITAL, Seoul 2015.5.30
■ 重度眼睑下垂及多眼皮矫正术 Monthly Seminars in of the Plastic Surgery. KOREA Univ. GURO HOSPITAL. Seoul 2015.5.27
■ 针对初学者的太阳穴解剖学 Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 33rd Congress K hotel. Seoul 2015.3.29
■ 颈部除皱整形术 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation Seminars KSPRS THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2015.2.4 Link>>
■ 非切开式眼睑下垂矫正术 40th Anniversary Symposium Plastic Surgery in KOREA Univ. ANAM HOSPITAL. Seoul. 2014.6.13 Link>>
■ 年轻人颈部考察 Korea Academic Association of Rejuvenation Symposium KOREA Univ. ANAM HOSPITAL. Seoul 2014.6 8
■ 颈部除皱整形术 Korean Academic Association of Rejuvenation Seminars KSPRS THE CATHOLIC UNIV. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL. Seoul 2013.11.19
■ 使用MÜLLER肌矫正眼睑下垂
Monthly Seminar Plastic Surgery GURO HOSPITAL KOREA Univ. Seoul 2011.10
■ 外眼角整形术 Monthly Seminar Plastic Surgery ANAM HOSPITAL KOREA Univ. Seoul 2011.06 Link>>
■ 对韩国人眼球突出的分析 Monthly Seminar Plastic Surgery GURO HOSPITAL KOREA Univ. Seoul 2009.3
■ 胸部整形的最新知识 Korean Aesthetic plastic Surgery 27th Congress. Seoul 2009.3
■ 为固定泪沟而实施的骨膜下脂肪重新定位术 Korean Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 61st Congress Seoul. Korea 2006.11
■ 使用 VERSAPULSE 激光治疗皮肤病变 Korean Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 50th Congress Seoul. Korea 2001.5