에어리어88성형외과 피부과



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


  • Aplio i800 is designed to deliver outstanding clinical precision and departmental productivity.
    Crystal-clear images with enhanced resolution and penetration as well as an abundance of expert tools help you get your diagnostic answer quickly and reliably.
  • 가장 작은 환자부터 가장 까다로운 부위까지, 처리 능력이 크게 향상된 Aplio의 혁신적인 iBeam 아키텍처는 침투력을 크게 향상시키는 동시에 전례 없는 영상 선명도와 선명도를 제공합니다.


  • 1/2.8” 4K 3 CMOS Image Sensor
    With 7% larger 3 chip 4K image sensor, your surgical team can see in greater detail than ever with superior image clarity, more accurate color reproduction and enhanced light quality
  • Compact and Lightweight Camera Head
    0.5kg camera head equipped with 3 CMOS image sensors still remains small enough for you to manipulate and light enough to endure the fatigues from the procedure.